Q. Is documents is mandatory ? if yes then how much time will be consumed to approve my documents?
A. Yes, documents is mandatory to use MiniSwipe APP, once you will submit all required documents(Adhar card,Pan card,Selfie) your documents will be approved within 1 business day.
Q. What will be happen when my transaction goes pending or failed?
A. If your transaction will be pending, then you have to wait 2 to 3 business days to get final status of the transaction , if your transaction Failed due to any issues your money will be credited to your Account by the Bank itself.
Q. What will be happen if my transaction success but i did not receive amount in my wallet/bank?
A. If your Transaction happen successful, you will definitely get your amount in your wallet, in case you will be not get your amount you can reach us via mail , whatsapp , or phone.
Q. Can my transaction cancel and declined?
A. Yes Your transaction might be hold or Void/Dispute , if your transaction found illegal , done by unknown person or we found some cheat on Transaction. 1% of extra amount will be deducted from your payment as refund or dispute Transaction Charges.